Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Various Institutions of Social Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Various Institutions of Social Structure - Essay Example The Conflict Paradigm applies in this scenario as the institutions in place in New Orleans were for the protection of the wealthy while the poor were exploited. After the hurricane had passed, the pictures coming out of the city showed the plight of poor, mostly African American, and this further strengthened the Conflict Paradigm. When FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) started giving out help, it required that aid recipients register online or through an 800 number. Once again the social structure favored those with an internet or phone connection and those really needing the aid had no way to ask for it. In the months following the Hurricane, as New Orleans was being resettled, the rich and the wealthy were the first to return while the poor are still struggling and living as refugees all over the country. This, once again, only reinforces the conflict paradigm. 1b) According to the Functionalist Paradigm the â€Å"member of the society see the social structure as legitimate and therefore strive to maintain that social structure.† The Functionalist Paradigm sees the social structure as being stable and in equilibrium and its members striving to maintain the status quo. Post-Katrina was a time of rapid change in New Orleans. The social structure quickly moved to a balanced stable society and the various social institutions chipped in to help rebuild the city. However, once a certain level of stability had been achieved, i.e. once a certain number of citizens had returned and resumed their normal life, the stabilization process slowed down. This resulted in a new equilibrium being set in the post-Katrina New Orleans.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

1 Corinthians 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

1 Corinthians 11 - Essay Example Paul’s implications encompassed convincing Christians to shun taking the Lord’s Supper for granted. This is via likening it with the other meals people normally have in their respective houses. Hence, make Corinthians heed his plea of imitating him and exercise what he taught them based on Christ’s principles (Wiersbe 123). Since, it is through contacting themselves in Christ-like manner that they will be heeding to what the Lord’s Supper rules entail. Relationship evident between verses 17-34 and the overall theme encompasses people’s conduct in the church. This is from their respective groupings while in church before communing to take the Lord’s Supper. Since, most of the Corinthians mistook the lord’ supper to be an event to show case their affluence characterized by greediness and unnecessary human regulations (Wiersbe 128). Therefore, the core aspect in this chapter encompasses conduct in church as well as how to relate with other Christians (Wiersbe